A website to sell books by Joshua Orsak on subjects like theology and youth ministry curriculum.
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Books For Sale
Conversational Theology- A Dialectical Approach To Biblical Interpretation
This book is the result of nearly 10 years of theological reflection. It includes insights from some of the greatest
theological minds of the 20th and 21st century. In it I argue for a new approach to the concept of revelation. Rather than
seeing the Bible as either 'merely' human thoughts about God or as God somehow self-dictating who He is, we should approach
scripture as a series of human conversations through which God reveals Himself. Emphasizing the inexpressibility of the Divine,
this book attempts to explore the conversations that take place when the Infinite enters human dialogue, and tries to suggest
ways we can enter into the conversations ourselves. I then use this new paradigm to discuss the following issues: creation,
sin, prophecy, incarnation, the church, and the afterlife. Finally, I try to add my own perspective to these various Biblical
conversations. The book is $16.99+shipping.
Speaking Engagements & Book Promotion
I am in the process of promoting my new book, and so I am offering to do speaking engagements
for no more than the cost of travel. If you or someone you know is part of a book club, church, library, or religious studies
group that is looking for someone for a speaking engagement, please let me know. I only ask that I also get the opportunity
to promote my book. I am thinking of setting up some talks on the following subjects: "why we shouldn't run away from Biblical
contradictions", "how to reconcile scientific and theological reflection on the nature of religion" and "images of creation
in the Bible". If anyone is interested, feel free to email me.
How To Order
Fill out the form below, selecting which book you'd like to buy. Then click on the PayPal button and pay for your order.
That will complete your transaction and I will send you a book ASAP. Alternatively, you could go to Amazon.com and order either
a paperback or Kindle version there. Links to these are at the very bottom of the page. Remember, though, that if you order
from me, your copy will be signed.